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Leadership Academy and L&D/OD Review

Learning is both a mindset, a way of daily working; and a planned process.  Many organizations, at C Suite level, have now recognized the essential role that learning plays in individual and organizational learning as the enabler of innovation, productivity improvement, competitive advantage and business success —with leadership learning and development at the centre of increasing organizational effectiveness and efficiency.


This is against a backdrop of a trend in some corporate L&D departments to take a more generalist business partner approach to L&D, with a corresponding decrease in L&D subject matter expertise with respect to the design and delivery of programmes and the embedding of learning and its routine application. 


Meanwhile some organizations have established their own ‘Leadership Academies’ to reduce L&D costs and increase the return on learning investment (and we have worked with 'leadership academies' of very different types and scales in several industry sectors).  Rapid development in some cases has created duplication, gaps, incoherence and inconsistencies in portfolio programmes and a 'learning event' rather than 'learning as a process' approach.


We help organizations to optimise their leadership L&D investment by reviewing:

  • How L&D needs are assessed and defined

  • Learning architectures and an holistic approach to optimising each of the 70/20/10 learning journey elements

  • Engaging participants and line leaders, and integrating real work into programmes

  • Programme portfolios: aim, purpose and objectives of programmes, sequencing and progression within and between programmes, access to L&D

  • Programme and component module design and integration

  • Content coherence, simplification, integration and 'competition' from similar but different concepts and tools

  • Learning and development methods and methodologies behind design and delivery

    • Whole team learning v peer v 'open' learning

    • Digital v face to face v blended, use of Apps and VLE

    • Experiential, conceptual and applied learning

    • Forgetting curve/recall and timing

    • Bloom's taxonomy

  • Wider HR and business policy and process alignment to desired L&D/OD outcomes

  • Embedding, sharing and routine application of learning 

    • Individual coaching (for both behaviour development and to aid application of learning)​

    • Peer coaching

    • Programme alumni workshops

    • Cascade to alumni teams 

    • Creation and use of ROI case studies  

  • Integration with knowledge management and learning organization plans

  • Programme effectiveness and stakeholder satisfaction


Our reviews use a pragmatic and practical form of qualitative and quantitative academic social science research, with research aim, objectives and scope and hypotheses defined in collaboration with you.  


Ask us about how we can help develop your internal L&D and consulting expertise.





© Minerva Consulting Services, 2020


Leader & Leadership Development; Strategy Execution, Change & Transformation Capability Consulting; Strategy & Decision Making Workshops; Organization Design & Reviews



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