Leadership Coaching

We can provide a coaching service with three flavours:
Coaching in the application of tools and concepts (skills and knowledge) to live tasks and problems (for individuals and teams)
Coaching in personal/leadership behaviour development (this may include establising team peer coaching; and
'Career compass’ coaching.
All coaching has a clear aim, purpose and defined outcomes.
The latter two types of coaching is delivered in collaboration with our qualified and vetted partners, and with coaching supervision in place. Coaching sessions are always at a time and (virtual) place of the coachee’s choosing.
Coaching in the application of skills and knowledge may be delivered as above or more cost-effectively through collective online or face to face coaching workshops, or through drop-in ‘coaching clinics’ —the ‘subject matter expert’ coach is on-site for a day or more and coachees (often programme alumni) book a convenient time slot. This is a powerful way to ensure the application of learning, create case studies to enhance future L&D activities, and demonstrate ROI on the L&D intervention.